Author Año Referencia Indexacion DOI Ver
Raphael Rapetti-Mauss | Viviana Bustos | Warren Thomas | Jean McBryan | Harry Harvey | Brian J. Harvey
2017 Bidirectional KCNQ1:β-catenin interaction drives colorectal cancer cell differentiationWoS10.1073/pnas.1702913114Ver
Patricio Olmedo | Adrián A Moreno | Dayan Sanhueza | Iván Balic | Reinaldo Campos-Vargas
2018 A catechol oxidase AcPPO from cherimoya (Annona cherimola Mill.) is localized to the Golgi apparatusWoS10.1016/j.plantsci.2017.10.012Ver
Ricardo Nilo-Poyanco | Paula Vizoso | Dayan Sanhueza | Iván Balic .... | Reinaldo Campos-Vargas
2019 A Prunus persica genome-wide RNA-seq approach uncovers major differences in the transcriptome among chilling injury sensitive and non-sensitive varietiesWoS10.1111/ppl.12831Ver
Patricio Olmedo | Baltasar Zepeda | Bárbara Rojas | Iván Balic | ... | Reinaldo Campos-Vargas
2021 Cell Wall Calcium and Hemicellulose Have a Role in the Fruit Firmness during Storage of Blueberry (Vaccinium spp.)WoS10.3390/plants10030553Ver
Dario Ocaranza | Ivan Balic | Tamara Bruna | Ignacio Moreno | ... | Nelson Caro
2022 A Modeled High-Density Fed-Batch Culture Improves Biomass Growth and β-Glucans Accumulation in Microchloropsis salinaWoS10.3390/plants11233229Ver
Iván Balic | Patricio Olmedo | Baltasar Zepeda | Bárbara Rojas | ... | Reinaldo Campos-Vargas
2022 Metabolomic and biochemical analysis of mesocarp tissues from table grape berries with contrasting firmness reveals cell wall modifications associated to harvest and cold storageWoS10.1016/j.foodchem.2022.133052Ver
Iván Balic | Paula Vizoso | Ricardo Nilo-Poyanco | Dayan Sanhueza | Reinaldo Campos-Vargas
2018 Transcriptome analysis during ripening of table grape berry cv. Thompson SeedlessWoS10.1371/journal.pone.0190087Ver
Cristina Vergara | María Teresa Pino | Olga Zamora | ... | Julio Kalazich
2020 Microencapsulation of Anthocyanin Extracted from Purple Flesh Cultivated Potatoes by Spray Drying and Its Effects on In Vitro Gastrointestinal DigestionWoS10.3390/molecules25030722Ver
Giovana Acha | Ricardo Vergara | Marisol Muñoz | ... | Julio Kalazich | Humberto Prieto
2021 A Traceable DNA-Replicon Derived Vector to Speed Up Gene Editing in Potato: Interrupting Genes Related to Undesirable Postharvest Tuber Traits as an ExampleWoS10.3390/plants10091882Ver
Roberto Quevedo | Jose Miguel Bastias | Teofilo Espinoza | Betty Ronceros | Ivan Balic | Ociel Munoz
2022 Inactivation of Coronaviruses in food industry: The use of inorganic and organic disinfectants, ozone, and UV radiationscielo10.17268/sci.agropecu.2020.02.14Ver
Patricio Sandaña | Sandra Orena | José Santos Rojas | Julio Kalazich | Marco Uribe
2018 Critical value of soil Olsen-P for potato production systems in volcanic soils of Chilescielo10.4067/S0718-95162018005002801Ver
Baltasar Zepeda | Patricio Olmedo | Troy Ejsmentewicz | Pablo Sepúlveda | Iván Balic | ReinaldoCampos-Vargas
2018 Cell wall and metabolite composition of berries of Vitis vinifera (L.) cv Thompson Seedless with different firmnessWoS10.1016/j.foodchem.2018.06.065Ver
Sri HariKrishna Vellanki | Viviana Bustos | Brian J. Harvey | Ann M. Hopkins
2019 Tight Junction Protein Junctional Adhesion Molecule-A Regulates the Expression of Receptor Tyrosine Kinase EPHA2 In Triple-Negative Breast Cancer CellsWoS10.31487/j.COR.2019.04.01Ver
Nicolás Franck | Denisse Zamorano | Britt Wallberg | Charlotte Hardy | Ivan Balic | .... | AndrésZurita-Silva
2022 Contrasting grapevines grafted into naturalized rootstock suggest scion-driven trasncriptomic changes in response to water deficitWoS10.1016/j.scienta.2019.109031Ver
Patricio Sandaña | Sandra Orena | José Santos Rojas | Julio Kalazich | Marco Uribe
2020 Critical Value of Soil Potassium for Potato Crops in Volcanic Soils Journal of Soil Science and Plant NutritioWoS10.1007/s42729-020-00202-4Ver
Viviana Bustos | Áine M Nolan | Anke Nijhuis | Harry Harvey | Alexandra Parker | Richard Poulsom | Jean McBryan | Warren Thomas | Andrew Silver | Brian J Harvey
2017 GPER mediates differential effects of estrogen on colon cancer cell proliferation and migration under normoxic and hypoxic conditionsWoS10.18632/oncotarget.20653Ver
Maria Abancens | Viviana Bustos | Harry Harvey | Jean McBryan | Brian J Harvey
2020 Sexual dimorphism in colon cancer. Frontiers in OncologyWoS10.3389/fonc.2020.607909Ver
Rodrigo A Vargas | Natalia Valdés | Iván Balic | ... | Alex R Gonzalez
2021 Amplicon of 16S rRNA Gene Amplicon Sequencing of Fertilized Volcanic Soils from Southern ChileWoS10.1128/MRA.00590-20Ver
M. Muñoz | C. Folch | F. Rodriguez | J. Kalazich | S. Orena | ... | A. Puga
2016 Genotype number and allelic diversity overview in the national collection of chilean potatoesWoS10.1007/s11540-016-9329-5Ver